Base ID: TCO0072-007 | R.E.A.P.D
(Research Enclyclopedia and Personnel Database)

Demons describe the most common type of creature from Hell, usually ranked F to B. They have super strength, fast regeneration, and an insatiable appetite for pax energy—an energy that humans and animals are made of.Despite their strength, demons carry unstable, monstrous forms. Therefore to regulate their energy, demons eat humans, animals, and other demons to survive.
DEVILS & Archdevils
Devils are highly powerful demons ranked B+ and above. Devils have human-like appearances. They don't rely on eating humans to survive and find other ways to supplement nutrients and regulate their energy.Archdevils are the most powerful and purest form of devils. They rule over other demons, and can be thought of as the Lords of demons. Only 7 Archdevils have ever been in existence at any given time, also known as The 7 Dukes of Hell.Some devils can be physically weaker and fall below Rank B but still retain humanoid appearances, like Six.Notable Devils: Mitch McKevry, Dicky Dawson
Notable Archdevils: Abis

Angels reside in the Heavenly Realm and preside over human and mortal affairs. They claim to subsist on human worship/trust, but the mechanics of what they consume to survive remains a secret.Angels are immortal unless killed. They are at constant odds with demons.Angels sometimes die/fade away due to serious physical injury, but are also prone to going mad. The madness corrupts their body, and they atrophy.Archangel Saiel, Grandmaster of the Heavenly Realm is the oldest angel in existence. He has gained the moniker 'The Perfect Being' for managing to live for millennia without succumbing to madness or corruption. Over the years, other archangels have since died and only Saiel remains.

Before the Gods of this world retreated to slumber, they selected a small group of humans to bear their children and protect the planet in their place. These are the Elenchi/Elenkai.Elenchi are demi-god arbiters and judges of the mortal, celestial and infernal realms. They are the balancing force between Angels, Demons and Humans.Their all-seeing gaze can pierce through all deceit, and they can control elements of the natural world.Elenkai are strictly utilitarian and rule with a Council Tribunal, and claim to run an egalitarian society within their clans. They maintain fairness by auditing devils, humans, and angels, and themselves.Elenchi are forbidden from interfering with or changing the natural course of Fate...and any outliers within the clan are terminated.Notable Elenkai: Steven Yue, Alistair Alain
The Delta Divisin

GREED • Age: 34 • 191cm (6'3)
♊︎ GeminiAn Archdevil and

III - MITCH MCKEVRYWRATH • Age: 23 • 179.5cm (~5'11)
♈︎ AriesA-Class Devil with an irritable temper. He is 2nd Lieutenant of the Delta Division. Known for his agile and powerful fighting style, and the x-shaped scar on his forehead. He is infamous for his temper, but referred to as a 'good kid' by Abis.

MEDIC / AUDITOR - STEVEN YUEElenkai (demi-god) • Age: 22 • 188cm (6'2)
♎︎ LibraThe assigned medic for The Delta Divisin. Reports daily activities and details of unit's oprations to Director and Elenkai Auditing Council. Known for his sociable yet gentle demeanor, and his tasty cooking. But beneath his smiling appearance lurks an indiscernible gloominess...

VI - SIXSLOTH • Age: 20 • 168cm (5'6)
♊︎ GeminiD-Class Devil and computer scientist of the Base. Possesses exceptional intelligence and keeps systems of base running. Despite his aloof and recluse personality, gets along well with Dicky and Steven who cooks delicious food for him. Dislikes noise.

GLUTTONY • Age: 30 • 173cm (5'8)
♉︎ TaurusS-Class Devil. 1st Lieutenant and former mercenary. Has an erratic and loud temperament. Often seen drinking beers and teasing other members to join her. Despite her domineering behaviour, cherishes all devils of the team like an older sister or drunk aunt...

IV - NYXIE NIALIEPRIDE • Age: 28 • 155cm (5'1)
♒︎ AquariusA-Class Devil with shapeshifting abilities, capable of altering their gender, age, and can become animals or objects. She's often seen reading prose poetry and reciting scripts from plays and musicals. Notorious for being insufferably dramatic.

V - HATHORLUST • Age: 35 • 175cm (5'9)
♏︎ Scorpio?-Class Devil and former succubus in Hell. She's often seen reading books in a relaxed and calm manner, or drinking tea. Is good friends with Nyxie. Always carefully observing everyone. Despite being the oldest devil of the team, rarely intervenes in disagreements.

VII - DICKYENVY • Age: 22 • 173cm (5'8)
♍︎ VirgoB-Class Devil a half-demon half human hybrid. He suffers from extremely low self-esteem because of this (and also because his nickname is Dicky).. Despite his unstable and depressive state, finds solace in his best friends Six and Chérii, and his roommates Steven and Mitch. Human name: (click to reveal)
TCO Base007 is a Research Base specializing in experimentation and genetic research. Base007 is the 7th base, and therefore one of the earliest founded research bastions of The Calamity Order Company.Base007 has a unique organizational structure to fit its function for research. It is split into 4 units.
Department | Description |
Delta Divisin | A special military unit made of devils. They conduct search and rescues, and retrieve genetic material for examination. |
Research | The heart of Base007's experimentation and research efforts. Further split between Research Staff and Medical Staff. |
Security | The human mercenaries and engineered soldiers that defend the Base. This includes cybersecurity. |
Auditing | External body controlled by the Elenkai Council Tribunal and ensures Base compliance. |